Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On shoes and relationships

When explaining why a certain relationship didn't work, I always say keeping a relationship is like shopping for a pair of shoes. You go to a shop, browse through all the pairs and pairs of shoes being offered especially the ones that are new arrivals or those which are on sale. You get the pair of shoes which catches your fancy. You consider the color, the size and the style. If you can easily see yourself wearing that pair of shoes then you ask to be able to try it on for sometime. You see if it fits you. If it does, then you go on with the purchase and go  home happily thinking you have this new pair of fantastic shoes you can wear with this new dress you got the other day. If it doesn't fit, then you return the shoes where you got them (it's only proper that you do), start from step 1 all the way through finding another pair to try on again. 

Talking to women, the shoe analogy works wonderfully most of the time. I usually get a nod and that look in their faces that say they totally understand what I'm talking about. I have yet to meet men who would understand me when I talk about the shoe analogy. I'll try it the very next time a man talks to me about relationships.

When we were younger, our choices in shoes and relationships were governed by what we perceived as the important things in life. I used to like shoes that have glitters and anything that shimmers. Looking back, I think maybe what I was looking for were men who unabashedly show off their best qualities, usually physical. 

A few years forward and my choice in shoes changed to the ones which required less attention so I can move freely from one responsibility to another. Unfortunately, instead of finding someone who isn't clingy and high maintenance, I found the complete opposite. I found someone who regularly required someone to make him feel like a better man than he actually was. The funny part was, I fell for it. Shoot! Talk about irony. 

Anyway, after the comfortable shoes, I moved on to high heels in colors. I have become a part of partnership where my quirkiness and my everything is just as important as his quirkiness and everything. I have become comfortable in my own skin for I have been allowed to stretch my wings and explore things. I still wear high heels in colors now. I have several pairs in various shades of blue, pink and brown. I have several pairs in black but I have yet to find out how many pairs of black shoes a lady has to have. While I search for the answer, I'll keep on buying and acquiring shoes in high heels and colors. Donations and gifts are welcome by the way. 

Happy Wednesday! 

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